Professional local government worker
The project "Professional self-government" was implemented thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The lead partner was the European Meeting Center-Nowy Staw Foundation with its seat in Lublin, and SEKP acted as the Project Partner.
Total cost: PLN 398,860.00
Implementation period : September 14 - December 14, 2012
The project was aimed at one of the main partners of the Association - local governments. The target group were employees of local government administration responsible for foreign cooperation from the area of six voivodeships: Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Mazowieckie, Łódzkie and Świętokrzyskie. The main goal of the project was to strengthen the substantive base of regional international cooperation by conducting training cycles for local government officials and transferring best practices by organizing an international conference.
SEKP was responsible for the following tasks:
- Promotion and recruitment of training participants from the following voivodeships: Podkarpackie and Świętokrzyskie (90 people).
- Organization of a two-day conference entitled "International cooperation of local government units", which took place on 4-5 December 2012 at the Nowy Dwór Hotel in Świlcza near Rzeszów.
- Creation of an internet portal as a base for international partnership for local governments www.epartnet.eu .
- Preparation, production and broadcasting of a TV spot promoting the effects of the project, which was broadcast on TVP Rzeszów before the conference.
- Development and production of promotional materials for the project.