Aware students in the labor market
Micro-project leader : Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland
Partner : The Career Center of the East European National University of Lessi Ukrainki in Lutsk, based in Lutsk (Ukraine).
The micro-project "Aware students in the labor market" is co-financed by the European Union under the Poland - Belarus - Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2007-2013.
Duration of the microproject : 01/03/2014 - 31/08/2014
Total value of the microproject : EUR 47 894.66
Grant amount : EUR 43 105.19
Purpose of the project
Increasing the chances of finding a job for students from Poland and Ukraine preparing to enter the labor market.
The implementation of the project will help to overcome the scale of the problem of insufficient knowledge in the field of the labor market among students in their final years of studies in Poland and Ukraine. Despite the existence of academic career offices at most universities, students often feel lost, overwhelmed by the reality of the labor market that awaits them after graduation.
As part of the project, two study visits (in Poland and Ukraine) of people working with students on the topic of employment will be carried out. Additionally, there will be Polish-Ukrainian workshops on career counseling for students from Poland and Ukraine (3 workshops), during which each participant will be able to benefit from direct consultations with a career counselor. The thematic scope of the workshop will concern, inter alia, job interview, preparation of a good CV, identification of personality traits in the matter of choosing a profession, trends in the labor market, portals helping to find a job, etc.
As a result of the micro-project, an information brochure will be published, containing a practical guide and advice for young people related to looking for a job, which will be distributed at universities in Podkarpacie and Volhynia, in career offices and labor market institutions.
The micro-project "Aware students on the labor market" is part of the umbrella project "Cross-border Labor Market Support Center" implemented by the Lead Partner of the Umbrella Project European Meeting Center - Nowy Staw Foundation.