About program
European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument
The ENPI is an initiative of the European Commission, the main goal of which is to develop cooperation between the European Union and non-EU partner countries by ensuring integrated and sustainable regional development.
EUR 173.32 million has been allocated for this purpose, which will make it possible to provide financial aid to countries covered by the European Neighborhood Policy, including Belarus, Ukraine and also the Russian Federation. The European Partnership and Neighborhood Instrument (ENPI) will be implemented, inter alia, by through cross-border cooperation programs.
ENPI territorial scope: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine.

Kluczowe obszary wsparcia w ramach EISP
- promoting political dialogue and reform,
- strengthening national institutions and other institutions responsible for the preparation and effective implementation of policies,
- promoting environmental protection and good management of natural resources,
- supporting policies aimed at reducing poverty,
- supporting policies that promote social development, equality between women and men, employment and social protection,
- supporting cross-border cooperation and promoting sustainable economic, social and
- environmental in border regions,
- supporting policies that promote health, education and training,
- promoting and protecting human rights as fundamental freedoms and supporting the democratization process,
- ensuring an efficient and secure border management system,
- promoting cooperation in the fields of justice, home affairs, and the prevention and fight against terrorism and organized crime,
- promoting the participation of the Communities in research and innovation activities,
- promoting cooperation between the Member States and partner countries in the field of higher education,
- exchanges of teachers, scientists and students,
- promoting dialogue between cultures and people-to-people contacts.
In the new financial perspective, Poland will simultaneously participate and manage two programs under the European Partnership and Neighborhood Instrument:
- Poland-Belarus-Ukraine
- Poland-Lithuania-Russian Federation (Kaliningrad District)
Program współpracy transgranicznej POLSKA-BIAŁORUŚ-UKRAINA 2007-2013

Współpraca transgraniczna
The main objective of the Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland - Belarus - Ukraine 2007-2013 is to respond to the common challenge of sustainable social and economic development through cross-border cooperation and integration.
The territorial scope of the program
The area of cooperation under the Program will include:
- in Poland, the following subregions: Białystok-Suwałki, Ostrołęcko-Siedlecki, Białskopodlaski, Chełmsko-Zamojski, Krośnieńsko-Przemyśl, as well as the so-called adjacent regions: Łomżyński, Lubelski and Rzeszów-Tarnobrzeski subregions;
- in Belarus, the Brest and Minsk oblasts (7 western districts: Miadel, Vileika, Molodechno, Volozhin, Stolbtsy, Niesvizh, Kletsk) and Grodno, and adjacent regions: the eastern part of the Minsk oblast and the Gomel oblast;
- in Ukraine, the oblasts of Volyn, Lviv, Zakarpattia, and adjacent regions: Tarnopil, Rivne and Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts.
Support for projects implemented in adjoining regions is limited, i.e. the amount of aid allocated to such an area amounts to no more than 20% of the entire program allocation, only non-investment projects can be supported.
Program Priorities
The proposed priorities and measures in the draft programming document foresee the following topics for cooperation:
Priorytet 1. Wzrost konkurencyjności obszarów przygranicznych
Działanie 1.1. Rozwój przedsiębiorczości
Działanie 1.2. Rozwój turystyki
Działanie 1.3. Poprawa dostępności obszaru
Priorytet 2. Poprawa jakości życia
Działanie 2.1. Ochrona środowiska w obszarze przygranicznym
Działanie 2.2. Bezpieczne i sprawnie funkcjonujące granice
Priorytet 3. Współpraca sieciowa i inicjatywy społeczności lokalnych
Działanie 3.1. Budowanie potencjału współpracy na poziomie regionalnym i lokalnym
Działanie 3.2. Inicjatywy społeczności lokalnych
Priorytet 4. Pomoc techniczna
Program budget
The total budget of the Program for 2007-13 is EUR 186.2 million. Over 60% of this amount, ie EUR 114.4 million, comes from the European Regional Development Fund.
Project co-financing amount
The expected level of co-financing of projects is 90% of the eligible costs of the project.
Potential beneficiaries
The potential beneficiaries of the program will be institutions conducting non-profit activities contributing to the implementation of the program priorities, including, for example, local and regional authorities, non-governmental organizations, public institutions, and euroregions.