The universe in the palm of your hand 2017
Beneficiary: Arboretum and Department of Physiography in Bolestraszyce
Slovak partner: Vihorlatská Hvezdáreň v Humennom
Slovak partner: Podduklianske osvetové stredisko vo Svidník
Implementation period: 01/09/2018-31/08/2019
Realized project value: € 110,360.48 , including ERDF co-financing: € 93,806.41 ,
The cultural heritage of the borderland is not only historical and natural values, but also elements of astronomy, as recalled by the completed project. It was aimed at creating new and expanding existing tourism products under the Karpackie Niebo brand. One of the elements of the project was the construction of a viewing and observation platform at the Arboretum in Bolestraszyce. It is not only observational, but also recreational. Below the terrace, there is an educational sundial. The project also involved activities in Kolonica, where a mobile, rotating viewing platform was constructed for observing the night sky. During the shows, the platform rotates, revealing the sky in all its glory. The model of the Solar System, which was created in Roztoki, also deserves attention. It consists of plastic models of planets with a diameter of about 0.5 m with keeping to scale. Ultimately, the tourist brand Karpackie Niebo will be extended to further astrotourism elements in Poland and Slovakia, as well as in other countries of the Carpathian Euroregion.
The main activities carried out under the project:
- Creation of a new tourist product of the Karpacki Nieba brand in Poland . In Cisowa, a 9.4 mx 7.85 m viewing platform was built. The surface was made of boards and secured with a balustrade. Access to the platform is possible via stairs and a driveway. Wooden tables with benches have been placed on the platform, which will allow visitors to rest and eat meals outdoors. Below the terrace, a construction of a sundial was created, which serves as an educational element related to the seasons and the importance of the sun in nature. In the area of the development there are information boards on astronomical and natural issues. The completed investment is accessible to people with disabilities.
- Development and promotion of Karpackie Niebo brand products in Kolonica . As part of the task, a mobile, rotating viewing platform for observing the night sky was purchased, with a radius of approx. 5 m - available for approx. 20-25 people. During the night sky displays, the platform rotates, showing the participants sitting on it more and more parts of the sky. In addition, at the Kolonica Observatory, a model of the Earth with the Moon was built as an element of astronomical and geophysical education. There were also 4-day nature photography workshops, including astrophotography, night photography and aerial photography, attended by 25 people.
- The development and promotion of the Karpackie Niebo brand products in Roztoki consisted in the preparation and placement of a model of the Solar System (maintaining the scale of the size of planets and the Sun) consisting of plastic planets placed on a durable pedestal and attached to the ground. Each planet is labeled with the most important information about it. There is an even, hardened pavement leading to the investment site, also accessible for people with reduced mobility. There were also 4-day nature photography workshops, including astrophotography at the astronomical observatory in Roztoki for 25 people.
- Activities promoting natural and cultural heritage in Poland . As part of the task, 5-day painting and photography workshops were organized in Cisowa, attended by 15 people from Poland and Slovakia. During the workshops, the participants learned how to photograph and paint nature from various points of view - from the micro to the macro scale. The 3-day study visit to Poland and Slovakia was attended by 25 people who could see the new products created and tourist attractions made during the project implementation, as well as the already existing products of nature and cultural tourism. A mobile exhibition entitled. "The universe in the palm of your hand - from micro to macroworld" in Poland and Slovakia. During the exhibition, you could see photos and pictures prepared by workshop participants. There was also organized a 2-day promotional conference entitled "Universe on a hand" at the Arboretum in Bolestraszyce, which was devoted to the observations and research of the Universe at its various scales, additionally its aim was to summarize the activities carried out in the project. 50 people attended the conference. The lead partner was also responsible for the preparation of promotional publications in the form of a post-open-air exhibition catalog, a leaflet about the exhibition, a calendar with photos from design workshops and new attractions created as part of the project.
We encourage you to watch the material of Fr. the effects of the implemented micro-project