Protection and development of the natural and landscape values of the borderland
Beneficiary: Przeworsk Town Commune
Slovak partner: Regional Development Agency in Svidnik
Implementation period: 01/08/2018 - 30/06/2019
Realized project value: € 57 182.39 , including ERDF co-financing: € 48 605.01 ,
It is extremely important for local communities to get to know better the natural areas of the border, which should be jointly protected. It was of great importance also for the nature itself, which thanks to the project activities is better protected and has a better chance of surviving in the least changed possible extent for future generations. The project assumed an analysis of the natural and landscape potential of the borderland, the creation of an image folder and a website. The Nature Chamber was established, where educational and demonstration activities were carried out. There were also soft activities in the form of open-air photography and painting, away workshops, competitions and conferences.
The main activities carried out under the project:
- Development of an analysis of the natural and landscape potential of the borderland . As a result of the task, a document entitled "Analysis of the natural and landscape potential of the borderland" and a website in Polish and Slovak was launched on the subject of "Protection and development of the natural and landscape values of the borderland", which includes, among others: forms of border protection, interesting natural places, natural curiosities, borderland flora, borderland fauna and current natural problems.
Establishing the Chamber of Nature and carrying out educational and demonstration activities. It was one of the main project activities, as part of which a natural chamber was created to expose the natural and landscape potential of the borderland. Educational boards, mobile exhibition walls, nature exhibits and a computer with the necessary equipment were purchased. In the created Chamber, stationary workshops for leaders were also conducted, attended by 14 people from Poland and Slovakia. - Organization of an open-air photo and painting , the aim of which was to show the natural and landscape values of the borderland. The plein-air lasted five days, during which 14 participants from Poland and Slovakia were trained by an expert in photography and drawing / painting in terms of the specifics of capturing both natural details / details and landscapes of a wide range, including light, weather conditions and Seasons.
- Outgoing workshops to train leaders . The result of the task was to train 14 participants to become leaders who in the future will conduct classes both in the chamber of nature established as part of the project, as well as outdoors, e.g. by animating group games and activities on nature. During the workshops, participants created interesting lesson plans, learned how to conduct science classes in an interesting and innovative way - in the field.
- An open nature conference was organized at the end of the microproject, it was combined with thematic games for children / youth (also from integration classes) and an outdoor exhibition. 1615 people participated in the conference. which confirms the huge interest in the subject of nature. In addition, a month before the conference, a competition was announced. "I help nature" in two categories: a house for insects and a feeder, the purpose of which was, among others: protection of the natural and landscape values of the borderland, environmental education and promotion of pro-ecological activities, awareness of the importance of pollinating insects in providing food for people and animals. The competition was settled during the conference.
We encourage you to:
visit Web page created as part of the project
listen radio broadcast about an organized competition