
Modern tools to support the development of tourism for small tourist destinations in Poland (Olszanica commune) and Slovakia (Svidnik period)

Beneficiary: Olszanica commune

Slovak partner: Svidnik Regional Development Agency

Implementation period:   01/04/2017 - 31/03/2018

Realized project value: € 34,388.38, including ERDF co-financing: € 29,230.11

Resolving the problem related to the development of small tourist destinations in the Polish-Slovak border area is one of the main goals of the micro-project. The activities in the project were of a pilot nature, thanks to which their results will be possible to replicate in the future. In response to the identified problem, professional strategic tools for the development and management of small tourist destinations were developed, as well as a package of modern communication tools increasing the recognition of the border area as an attractive tourist destination. Through the implementation of a series of trainings and meetings with local communities, the level of knowledge about the values and practical use of the local cultural and natural potential was increased.

The main activities carried out under the project:

  • Developing a strategy for the development and management of small tourist destinations based on the methodology of the so-called St. Gallen.   This concept provides a market-oriented, realistic and forward-looking perspective for the development of tourist destinations. The development of the document was preceded by 6 stages of work (stage I: Analysis of the prevailing tourism trends, stage II: Inventory of local resources, stage III: Strategic SWOT analysis, stage IV: Characterization of target segments, stage V: Identification of stakeholders and stage VI: Establishing the task matrix , duties). The inventory was supplemented by a survey conducted among tourists visiting the commune. Based on the analysis of the collected information, a model document was developed to identify the most important areas with high tourism potential in the commune.
  • Organization of a series of trainings on the use of local potential in the process of networking tourist offers for the local community. The topics of the training included: creating local tourism products using local potential, product networking and cross-sector cooperation as well as tourism marketing standards in the 21st century. A total of 71 people participated in the organized trainings.
  • Organization of a cross-border event building and promoting the local potential of tourist destinations , the aim of which was to show the cultural potential of small towns expressed in music, folk songs, handicrafts and the culinary tradition of the region. The organization of the event was also an example of good practice - how cultural events can be an impulse for the development of small tourist destinations on both sides of the border.
  • Modern communication tools to strengthen the tourist potential of the Polish-Slovak area - there is a strong emphasis on internet communication. A website was created, which is a tourist showcase of small tourist destinations: the Olszanica commune and the Svidnik period, together with a mobile application, resulting in a complementary holiday offer for tourists on the Polish and Slovak side. In addition, a tourist showcase was developed in the form of a short promotional film and 10 tourist packages in Polish and Slovak. The culmination of these activities was a 3-day study visit for a group of 10 bloggers / journalists to the most attractive tourist destinations in the Polish-Slovak borderland.

We invite you to watch the promotional film

Financed by the National Institute of Freedom - Center for the Development of Civil Society from the funds of the Program for the Development of Civic Organizations for 2018-2030