Beneficiary: Rzeszów Poviat
Slovak partner: Mesto Svidnik
Implementation period: 01/09/2017 - 01/04/2018
Realized project value: € 36,545.42 , including ERDF co-financing: 31,063.60 € ,
Thanks to the micro-project, students of schools from the Rzeszów poviat and the city of Svidnik gained new, valuable qualifications, and teachers and office workers gained access to reliable data and information useful for work in the field of education. As part of the micro-project implementation, a series of trainings for young people attending the final classes, which significantly increased their competences. An important element of the project was a survey among young people, which allowed for a better understanding of their educational plans and needs in the field of education. At the end of the microproject implementation, a conference for teachers and officials was held, where examples of existing educational systems were presented, as well as ways of solutions combining the expectations of the labor market with vocational education programs.
The main activities carried out under the project:
- Course in creating and administering websites and blogs - the task was to organize and conduct a course for youth from secondary schools from Rzeszów poviat and the oldest students of primary and secondary schools from the city of Svidnik on the basics of creating and administering websites, as well as running and operating blogs, and for high school students also keeping accounts on selected trading platforms. A total of 75 students (45 from Poland, 30 from Slovakia) participated in the training.
- Training - running a business and exporting - the task was to conduct training for youth from secondary schools from Rzeszów poviat in the field of establishing and running business and export activities. The training consisted of both theoretical and practical parts, in which students (20 people from Poland) could realistically learn about the hardships of running their own business under the supervision of a doctor of economic sciences.
- Training in self-presentation, communication, self-assessment and time management - as part of the task, training was organized for final students of primary and secondary schools from the city of Svidnik in the field of self-presentation, communication, self-assessment and time management. The formula of the classes combined the workshop form with the presentation of the material supplemented with individual and group exercises. 20 students from Slovakia participated in the training.
- Organization and conducting of surveys in the field of further education plans, assessment of the quality of education to date and the level of convergence of students' interests with the chosen fields of education - as part of the task, direct interview research was carried out with 800 interviewers (400 students from the city of Svidnik and 400 students from secondary and of the Rzeszów district). The results of the research are 2 research reports, which will be used in the future by principals and teachers in building curricula and educating students.
- Organizing a conference summarizing the project presenting examples of existing educational systems, as well as ways of solutions combining the expectations of the labor market with vocational education programs. The conference was attended, among others, by teachers from Poland and Slovakia, employees of partners, and the speakers were experts from European countries.