Entrepreneurial borderland - Polish-Slovak educational initiative
Beneficiary: Continuing Education School Complex in Krosno
Slovak partner: Hornošarišské osvetové stredisko (HOS) Bardejov
Implementation period: 01/07/2017-30/06/2018
Realized project value: € 84 287.62 , including ERDF co-financing: € 71 644.47 ,
The project was a Polish-Slovak educational initiative, based on training activities aimed at the maximum use of the potential of the area, tailored to the actual needs and based on innovative solutions and modern technology (e-learning training, Blended Learning). As part of the project, two fully equipped simulation companies in ZSKU in Krosno and SK in HOS Bardejov were created and used for learning entrepreneurship, and simulated cooperation between them was used during the classes, which was an innovation and a new quality that had no equivalent so far. The combination of classroom and e-learning training for vocational education had a positive impact on promoting the benefits of lifelong learning and interest in self-employment.
The main activities carried out under the project:
- Training activities in Poland and the creation of a simulation company . As part of the task, training materials in the field of entrepreneurship were developed to be used during courses conducted on both sides of the border and classes were conducted in Krosno. Students took part in three courses (consisting of stationary and e-learning training) and individual career counseling. A fully equipped simulation company was established in ZSKU in Krosno and it was used to simulate the operation of a trade and service company. As part of the task, 256 students from Poland and Slovakia were trained.
- Training activities in Slovakia and creation of a simulation company . As on the Polish side, training materials in the field of entrepreneurship have been developed to be used during the courses. Classes were held in Bardejov. Students had the opportunity to participate in three courses (consisting of stationary and e-learning training) and individual career counseling. A fully equipped simulation company was also established in HOS Bardejov, and it was used to simulate the operation of a trade and service company. As part of the task, 256 students from Poland and Slovakia were trained.
- Information activities along with the exchange of good practices consisted in the organization of a workshop meeting with the participation of the project team, management and staff of partner institutions. The Moodle platform has been configured in terms of posting new courses on it. A bilingual website with information about the implemented project was also launched. At the end, a conference was organized, during which information about the course and effects of the project as well as courses on the Moodle platform were presented. The barriers, needs and potential of the labor market in the Polish-Slovak border area as well as the benefits of learning entrepreneurship and the use of modern technologies were discussed. 84 people from Poland and Slovakia participated in the conference.