Carpathian Adventures - new cross-border tourist products
Beneficiary: Krajská organizácia cestovného ruch Severovýchod Slovenska
Polish partner: Podkarpacie Regional Tourist Organization
Implementation period: 01/08/2018 - 31/10/2019
Realized project value: € 105,400.42 , including ERDF co-financing: € 89,590.35,
The implementation of the project was aimed at creating appropriate conditions conducive to the growth of tourist traffic in the Polish-Slovak border area. Adventure tourism products constitute a comprehensive thematic offer that combines existing attractions and services into a coherent whole intended for a specific target group. For this purpose, it uses, among others the fact that tourists are looking for impressions and adventures today. Creating an innovative product of adventure tourism as a new form of promoting natural and cultural heritage has contributed to the sustainable development of the region.
The main activities carried out under the project:
- Creation of 2 cross-border tourism products in the Prešov Region . As part of the task, a common methodology was developed to define the most important features of new cross-border products in adventure tourism, followed by surveys in three Slovak cities to define the needs of visitors. On the basis of the developed methodology, an analysis of the database of the potential of adventure tourism was developed, the tangible effect of which is a transparent map of the potential of the area in an electronic version. Based on these materials, two cross-border tourism products were created, which constitute a comprehensive package of services meeting specific criteria. The names of the products are based on their location and nature. 2-day tourist product: "In the footsteps of World War I and II" and a 3-day tourist product: "Natural and cultural jewels of Polonin and Bieszczady". In order to test and promote a new product of active tourism in the Polish-Slovak border area, a 3-day promotional event was organized, during which participants had the opportunity to test the product in the field in terms of the degree of difficulty, transition time and effectiveness of e-products and the use of promotional materials.
- Creation of a new tourist product in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship . On the Polish side, surveys to define the needs of visitors were conducted in three cities. Based on the questionnaire research and expert knowledge about the region, a study was prepared - Analysis of the potential of adventure tourism in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, the result of which is a map of the area's potential in an electronic version. On the basis of the developed materials, a cross-border tourist product called "Explorers of the Black Gold". The route connects the most interesting places related to the emergence and development of the oil industry on the Polish-Slovak border. A promotional event was also organized, during which participants could test the planned new tourist product in terms of difficulty, orientation in the field, offered services, animation activities, functionality and usability of the e-product during 3 days.
- Preparation of a new cross-border tourist e-product on the Polish-Slovak border . The tourism products created as part of the project are available in the form of an e-product to ensure their availability to all interested parties and visitors. There were also prepared multimedia presentations introducing the visitor to the subject of tourist products.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the tourist products and the map created as part of the project.