
Borderline in the lens

Beneficiary: Rzeszów Poviat

Polish partner: Mesto Svidnik

Implementation period: 01/03/2020 - 31/05/2021

Realized project value: € 29 169.96, including ERDF co-financing: € 23 677.24

Diverse culture, interesting history, and unique nature - these are the leading themes of the promotional campaign and the photo competition addressed to the inhabitants of the Polish-Slovak borderland. The aim of the project was to increase the awareness and interest of the inhabitants of the Rzeszów poviat and the city of Svidnik in the cultural heritage and natural potential of both subregions, as well as to deepen good relations between Polish and Slovak society. The preparation and implementation of tasks in the cooperation of the Rzeszów poviat and the city of Svidnik with the participation of representatives of local government units, the involvement of talented young people on both sides of the border, as well as showing the natural and cultural achievements of the Polish-Slovak border in an innovative and friendly way contributed to the creation of a unique photo gallery presented during the opening. There was also a promotional film in three language versions (Polish, Slovak, English) showing the advantages of both regions.

The main activities carried out under the project:

  • The "Faces of Borderland" photo competition was aimed at showing the value of the borderland on many levels. All submitted works referred to the achievements of historical heritage, local folklore, natural elements and the specificity of the borderland. Any resident of the Rzeszów poviat or the city of Svidnik could take part in the competition. The winning photos were used in T-shirt promotional designs. Works from places I-III in each category were published in the form of a calendar.
  • PHOTO / VIDEO workshops. During the workshops, young people from both sides of the border had the opportunity to learn about various techniques of capturing and processing a digital image. The workshop was attended by young people from schools run by the Rzeszów Poviat (Secondary School in Dynów, Vocational School Complex in Dynów, Secondary School in Sokołów Małopolski), as well as from the City of Svidnik in Slovakia. In total, 60 students from Slovakia and Poland and their guardians took advantage of the workshops. Due to the restrictions related to the pandemic, the workshops were held under strict sanitary conditions and with the participation of the Slovak side in the form of videoconferences.
  • Vernissage of the competition works "Borderland in the lens" combined with the award ceremony and the summary of the competition. The presented works by the winners were a great opportunity to learn about the art of contemporary photography, the photographic sensitivity of the participants and the ability to capture the beauty hidden on both sides of the Polish-Slovak border with a camera. The event was also an opportunity to present the achievements related to the implementation of the project, as part of which a promotional film and video spots from the Polish-Slovak border were broadcast. The vernissage took place in strict sanitary regime, with the participation of a small group of invited guests, with a teleconference of the project partners.
  • Promotional film of the Polish-Slovak borderland presenting the historical, architectural, natural and cultural values of the borderland, with particular emphasis on the Rzeszów poviat and the vicinity of Svidnik. The film made it possible to rediscover the often forgotten cultural and natural "pearls" of "small homelands".


We encourage you to watch the film materials made as part of the project https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWYYyr9rFWa9oUCIFfmvBgQ

Financed by the National Institute of Freedom - Center for the Development of Civil Society from the funds of the Program for the Development of Civic Organizations for 2018-2030