
Activity inspired by the natural heritage of the Polish-Slovak borderland

Beneficiary:   Association of Territorial Self-governments "Rzeszów Agglomeration"

Slovak partner:   Mesto Svidnik

Implementation period:   01/07/2018 - 31/05/2019

Realized project value: € 48 482.10 , including ERDF co-financing: € 41 209.77,

The four-section bike rally for the inhabitants of the Polish-Slovak borderland was the main attraction of the project. A publication was released for people who did not have the opportunity to participate in any of the stages of the rally. The publication presents bicycle routes and paths, as well as natural and cultural attractions of the region. The publication has been supplemented with maps that allow you to visit the planned routes. The project contributed to the popularization of spending time actively in nature, getting to know the Polish and Slovak people directly, as well as establishing friendships among representatives of both nations.

The main activities carried out under the project:

  • Organization of a four-section bicycle rally along the Polish-Slovak border route . Each of the planned sections was on average approx. 50 km long. Any adult borderland resident whose health condition allowed for participation in the rally could be a participant. The first episode of the Bicycle Rally The "Fox Trail" ran through Kosina, Markowa, Malawa and Słocina. The second and longest section of the rally "In the footsteps of Nadsańskich Fortifications", it was 62 km long and ran through Dynów, Dubiecko, Krasiczyn - the castle and Przemyśl. During the third episode, entitled The “Lower San Icon Trail” cyclists had the opportunity to visit Dynów, Ulucz, Hłomcza and Sanok. The last stage of the rally took place on the Slovak side and ran through the towns of Stará Ľubovňa, Plaveč, Gerlachov and Bardejov. 110 participants from Poland and Slovakia took part in the rallies.
  • Publication of a book with maps containing descriptions of trails, routes and bicycle paths   and nearby tourist attractions in the Rzeszów poviat and the Prešov poviat. The publication includes information in both Polish and Slovak. The publication is supplemented by maps of the Rzeszów poviat and the Prešov poviat with bicycle routes marked on them. To plan a trip, simply refer to this guide. There are short descriptions of thirteen bicycle routes and a fragment of the Eastern Bicycle Trail "Green Velo", running through the Rzeszów poviat, and twelve - from the area of the Prešov period. The publication also includes short descriptions of selected, most interesting monuments and attractions of both regions, as well as information about the routes of the Polish-Slovak borderland that connect the vicinity of Rzeszów and Prešov. Due to the disabled, an audio version of the publication was also released in both Polish and Slovak.

We are pleased to announce that the published publication received a distinction in the "Róża Regionów" competition in the "Advertising folder" category

Financed by the National Institute of Freedom - Center for the Development of Civil Society from the funds of the Program for the Development of Civic Organizations for 2018-2030