European Territorial Cooperation 2014-2020
The European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) in the financial perspective for 2014-2020 is one of the objectives of the European Union's cohesion policy aimed at exchanging experiences between entities from different Member States, as well as taking joint actions in order to find common solutions to common problems that are more and more often reaching beyond the borders of one country. The European Territorial Cooperation supports three types of cooperation: cross-border cooperation, transnational cooperation, and interregional cooperation. This goal is a continuation of the programs implemented under the Community Initiative INTERREG III 2004-2006 and the Cross-border Cooperation Program Republic of Poland-Slovak Republic 2007-2013.
In total, EUR 8.9 billion was allocated to the European Territorial Cooperation in 2014-2020, of which EUR 6.6 billion was for cross-border cooperation (74.05%), EUR 1.8 billion for transnational cooperation (20.36%), 0, EUR 5 billion for interregional cooperation (5.59%).
European Territorial Cooperation Programs in Poland
In the years 2014-2020, the following will be implemented in Poland:
- 7 cross-border programs (Poland-Slovakia, Czech Republic-Poland, Poland-Saxony, Brandenburg-Poland, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania-Brandenburg-Poland, South Baltic, Lithuania-Poland),
- 2 transnational programs (Baltic Sea Region, Central Europe),
- interregional program (Interreg Europe).
Interreg VA Poland-Slovakia 2014-2020 program
The program was prepared by an international working group working in the years 2012-2015. The draft program document was also the subject of public consultations. The European Commission approved the Interreg VA Polska-Slovakia 2014-2020 Program on February 12, 2015. It is the first cross-border cooperation program planned to be implemented on Polish borders in 2014-2020, which has been approved by Brussels. Almost EUR 155 million from the European Regional Development Fund will be allocated to the implementation of the projects.
Compared to previous years, the Program in the 2014-2020 financial perspective is distinguished by a significant thematic concentration and the principle of being results-oriented. For the Beneficiaries, this means a narrower and more precisely described scope of activities that can be co-financed and greater responsibility in relation to product indicators that are to be the result of implemented projects.
The program responds to the key challenges of the Polish-Slovak borderland and will support projects in the field of protection and promotion of natural and cultural heritage, development of transport and improvement of the quality of education. Most, as much as half of the program funds (ie approximately EUR 77.5 million), will be invested in the protection, promotion and development of environmental resources and cultural heritage. The amount of almost EUR 56 million will support the development of road infrastructure that will improve communication between Poland and Slovakia and improve connections with the Trans-European Transport Network. In the field of education, joint cross-border vocational training projects will be co-financed, aimed at adapting vocational education to the requirements of the cross-border labor market and to the expectations of employers operating in the area covered by the program support. EUR 12 million will be allocated for this purpose.
The Program will also continue micro-projects implemented under 6 umbrella projects implemented in 3 partnerships (two umbrella projects, one each in the 1st priority axis Protection and development of the natural and cultural heritage of the border area and the 3rd axis Development of cross-border education and lifelong learning ).
The management of umbrella projects (as PW) will be the responsibility of the Euroregions: Karpacki, Tatry and Beskidy, which will implement projects together with Slovak partners, ie the Higher Territorial Unit of Prešov and Žilina.