Benefits of cooperation

The most important benefits for local governments
- Participation in a prestigious group of local governments that work together to create a common socio-economic space in the Carpathians;
- Possibility to use the knowledge and experience of the team coordinating the implementation of the Carpathia brand in the field of tourism development and marketing;
- Covering the local government area with promotional support in the field of branded products, tourist events and services, and including entities from the local government area in the business portfolio of Carpathian Brand suppliers;
- Possibilities of obtaining support for development initiatives in the form of tools and mechanisms of the Carpathian Euroregion;
- Coordination of the preparation of project proposals for co-financing from EU funds in the 2014-2020 perspective, harmonized according to the Carpathian Brand Strategy under the concept of the Virtual Carpathian Program "Carpathian Horizon 2020";
- Using international (European and global) partnerships of the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland.
The most important benefits for entrepreneurs
- Possibility to include own products and services in the Carpathia brand offer on the basis of certification;
- Training support in the field of marketing related to the development of the Carpathian Brand;
- Promotional support covering multilateral activities at the international level in many innovative forms;
- Inclusion in the educational policy and exchange of Alpine - Carpathian experiences on the basis of Polish - Swiss partnership based on the functioning Alpine - Carpathian Tourist Knowledge Cluster;
- Assistance in gaining foreign sales markets for branded Carpathian Brand products as part of the international cooperation policy of the Carpathian Euroregion and using the support of pro-export mechanisms for the Brand;
- Coordination of the preparation of project proposals for co-financing from EU funds in the 2014-2020 perspective, harmonized according to the Carpathian Brand Strategy under the concept of the Virtual Carpathian Program "Carpathian Horizon 2020".
Benefits for NGOs
- Possibilities of obtaining support for undertaken initiatives in the form of tools and mechanisms of the Carpathian Euroregion;
- Promotional support for the activities carried out as part of the information policy of the Carpathian Brand;
- Possibility of obtaining substantive support for the conducted activity through information channels and cooperation mechanisms of the Carpathian Euroregion;
- Possibility to initiate and support international development cooperation, the possibility of acquiring partners for cooperation in the area of the Carpathians and the Alps;
- Opportunity to participate in the Carpathian Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations - a platform for cooperation of Carpathian NGOs;
- The possibility of economizing and commercializing the activities of non-governmental organizations based on participation in the business model of the Carpathian Brand;
- Coordination of the preparation of project proposals for co-financing from EU funds in the 2014-2020 perspective, harmonized according to the Carpathian Brand Strategy under the concept of the Virtual Carpathian Program "Carpathian Horizon 2020".
Benefits for research and development units
- Cooperation with institutions in the implementation of scientific and research activities;
- Possibilities of obtaining support for activities in the form of tools and mechanisms of the Carpathian Euroregion;
- Possibility of cooperation with Carpathian and Alpine scientific and research partners as part of the Alpine - Carpathian Tourist Knowledge Cluster;
- Possibility of using the experience of foreign partners of the Carpathian Euroregion in the field of education at all levels, especially in the context of adapting the educational offer to the needs of the labor market;
- Coordination of the preparation of project proposals for co-financing from EU funds in the 2014-2020 perspective, harmonized according to the Carpathian Brand Strategy under the concept of the Virtual Carpathian Program "Carpathian Horizon 2020".
Benefits for the media
- Access to a wide range of international sources of information related to the functioning of the Carpathian Euroregion and the implementation of the Carpathian Brand Strategy;
- Participation in the international partnership of the Carpathian Media and the use of solutions supporting media cooperation in the Carpathian Euroregion;
- International cooperation in the field of brand promotion and public relations;
- Cooperation with the signatories of the Brand Partnership, the opportunity to participate in the brand development policy;
- Coordination of the preparation of proposals for "media" projects for co-financing from EU funds in the 2014-2020 perspective, harmonized according to the Carpathian Brand Strategy under the concept of the Virtual Carpathian Program "Carpathian Horizon 2020".

Principles of cooperation within the Carpathia brand partnership
Carpathia Brand Partnership is an open formula of cooperation of all people, communities and institutions that accept the goals included in the Carpathian Brand Strategy and share the vision and development goals of the Carpathian Euroregion. Our philosophy of cooperation is based on respecting the interests of each partner and respect for the cultural and social values of each party of the Carpathian Euroregion. The Carpathia Brand Partnership is international in nature and proposes several types of involvement in the Brand implementation policy.
For institutions from the public, private and non-governmental sectors, we provide the following forms of participation in the implementation of the Carpathian Brand:
Brand partner
strategic category. A Brand Partner may be an institution representing one of the forms of the Brand's stakeholders, supporting the idea of the Brand, interested in broad participation in the implementation of the Brand's solutions and participation in the implementation of the development policy of the Carpathian Euroregion.
Brand operator
operational category. The Brand Operator is an entity that performs the function of DMO in the Brand implementation system for a specific package of products and services contracted and sold under the Carpathian Brand sign. It is assumed that Brand Operators ultimately create a decentralized Brand implementation system based on territorial "sub-brands" that are parts of the Carpathian Brand House.
Brand supplier
business category. A Brand Supplier may be any entity that, after meeting the quality requirements (criteria) and certification, provides a service, product or other tangible or intangible value that is subject to sale in the CARPATHIA Brand system to the "Brand's portfolio".
For informal people and circles, we propose three categories of participation in the implementation of the Carpathian Brand:
Ambasador Marki
kategoria honorowa. Ambasadorem Marki są osoby ze znaczącym dorobkiem osobistym w życiu publicznym, społecznym, gospodarczym bądź kulturowym. Są przedstawicielami idei Marki oraz promotorami współpracy na obszarze Karpat. Swoja pozycją i kontaktami wspierają i promują Markę w różnych środowiskach.
Ekspert marki
kategoria specjalistyczna. Ekspertem Marki jest osoba, której wiedza i doświadczenie oraz działania operacyjne mają bezpośredni wpływ na wdrażanie, rozwój, monitorowanie i modyfikowanie polityki Marki Karpackiej. Eksperci Marki stanowią „think tank” Euroregionu Karpackiego, uczestniczą w procesie wymiany informacji, stale współpracują z Euroregionem Karpackim, wpływają na życie Marki na różnych poziomach i w różnych zakresach.
Sojusznik Marki
kategoria społecznościowa. Sojusznikiem Marki może zostać każdy kto identyfikuje się z ideą Marki Karpackiej i wyraża poparcie dla działań związanych z rozwojem współpracy karpackiej. To turysta, miłośnik gór, lub osoba, która po prostu chce mieć kontakt z ludźmi aktywnymi, ambitnymi podzielającymi wartości będące esencją Marki Karpackiej

For each of the above-mentioned categories, an appropriate "benefit package" has been prepared, to which access is possible after signing an appropriate contract (for legal entities), or meeting the conditions and submitting a declaration (for natural persons).
The entire Brand Partnership is managed by the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland through a designated entity and based on a decentralized Brand implementation system. This system works according to strictly defined principles of cooperation between its elements, creating the House of the Carpathian Brand.