
Invitation - entities from the hotel, catering, tourism, craft industries as well as people related to heritage

In connection with the implementation of the project called "EtnoCarpathia", the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland invites willing entities from the hotel, catering, tourism, craft industry and people related to the cultural heritage of the Carpathians to submit their participation in the designed internet portal and mobile application devoted to 7 cultures of the Polish-Polish borderland. Slovak. The content of the portal is to meet the needs of cultural tourists and constitute a compendium of knowledge about Carpathian culture. The website will contain a knowledge base on 4 ethnographic groups on the Polish side (Pogórzanie, Lemkos, Bojków, Dolinianie) and 3 ethnographic areas on the Slovak side (Šariš, Zemplin, Zamagurie), suggestions for spending free time in line with cultural tourism, recommended places, destinations , motivations according to the interests of the user of the portal-cultural tourist. The internet portal containing information about the 7 cultures of the borderland will be both an information base for tourists and a basic promotional tool, thus ensuring the promotion of the region and its values based on cultural heritage.

The geographical area covered by the portal and application:

Polish-Slovak borderland:

  • POLAND: poviats: Bieszczady, Leski, Sanocki, Brzozowski, Krosno, Jasielski, Gorlicki, Nowosądecki, Rzeszów.
  • SLOVAKIA: Prešov Region.

Applications should be submitted on the forms with photos of the facility and information on what culture and what services are provided as part of a given culture Pogórzanie, Lemkos, Boykos, Dolinianie, Šariš, Zemplin, Zamagurie.

Please send your applications to the email address: sekretariat@karpacki.pl

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg VA Poland-Slovakia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020 and by the National Institute of Freedom - Center for Civil Society Development from the funds of the Civic Organization Development Program for 2018-2030.

Financed by the National Institute of Freedom - Center for the Development of Civil Society from the funds of the Program for the Development of Civic Organizations for 2018-2030