About us

Cooperation across divisions
General characteristics of the Association
The Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland is an association operating on the basis of the Law on Associations of April 7, 1989 (Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 79, item 855, as amended). The association focuses on the principles of members supporting local government units from the Podkarpackie Voivodeship and the Małopolska Voivodeship. The association also constitutes the national structure of the Interregional Union of the Carpathian Euroregion (established on February 14, 1993) operating in the border areas of Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. The Union itself is not an organization within the meaning of international law, so it is not a legal entity but a form of political cooperation. It achieves its goals through national structures. Apart from Poland, Euroregional Associations operate in Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and Romania.
Internal structure of the Carpathian Euroregion
The association has an internal structure typical of non-governmental organizations. The Association's legislative body is the General Meeting of Members. The Management Board of the Association is responsible for the day-to-day organization of the work of the Association and is chaired by the President of the Board elected by the General Meeting of Members. There is also the Audit Committee.
The Management Board runs the Office for the conduct of its affairs. The Office is managed by the Office Director, and the Secretary General of the Association supervises the implementation of the Association's goals.
What distinguishes the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland from other associations associating LGUs in Podkarpacie and from other national parties of the Carpathian Euroregion is the fact that since 2001 the Association has been the Implementing Institution for some components of the European Union cross-border cooperation programs.

What we have achieved
20 years of history

The Carpathian Euroregion Poland Association associates over 200 Partners in its structures, operating on the basis of cooperation. The aim of the activities is the development of the Euroregion in various areas, including investment, education, promotion and integration of cultures.